What did you like most about participating in Leadership Corvallis?
“The people I met, the people I learned so much from. I gained a real understanding of how the city and county governments, the educational system, the business community, the civic organizations and the nonprofits work, interact and impact one another. Many classmates who were strangers then have become dear friends. New connections made then have led to numerous collaborative relationships since. And I discovered so many new ways in which I could be of service to the community.”
Describe your most memorable experience volunteering or serving in a leadership position in the community. Why is this experience so important to you?
“It has been my good fortune to be asked to be a part of community groups formed to help pass local option levy measures for the city and the county and a bond measure for the school district. I’m repeatedly re-energized by the commitment others bring to these ‘make or break’ efforts. It’s a joy to work alongside people who give so much of themselves to keep Corvallis special, and strive mightily to make it a better place for all of us.”
What is your biggest accomplishment in your current line of work or what is the most rewarding part of your job?
“I sold my ad agency in Silicon Valley just after the turn of the century. My wife and I moved here in 2005 to be near our grandson (and now a granddaughter, too). The most important ‘job’ I have now is watching them grow up, and the most rewarding part of it is seeing what amazing young people they are growing to be. When I’m not busy taking their pictures or telling them corny jokes, I’m inspired by the leaders of nonprofits whose passion for their causes keep Corvallis moving forward and find great satisfaction in helping them with their pushing and prodding and pulling.”
What is one surprising thing about you that not many people know?
“I really do not like speaking in public – not before groups of citizens, members of clubs, students in classes or any other assembled body – not anywhere, not at any time. Until now, only my wife knew this. Over the course of 53 years of listening to my moaning and groaning as each speech date drew nearer, she has repeatedly reminded me that when asked to ‘say a few words’ I shouldn’t say yes when my innards are screaming no. To which I always pitifully reply ‘I have to remember that next time.’ (A really surprising thing is that she has put up with me for all these years.)”
If you could recommend one thing to incoming Leadership Corvallis participants, what would that be?
“Come with an open mind and an open heart. Be prepared for an eye-opening, informative, educational, at times entertaining, and always awesome experience. Expect to leave with your heart and mind overflowing with ideas for improving communication, cooperation and collaboration among all the entities working for the betterment of all of us here, and a commitment to do more than your part to help. Leadership Corvallis is a labor of love for our community. And whatever class year you’re fortunate enough to be accepted into, will surely be the best class ever!”
More about Curt:
Curt Wright has more than 40 years of experience in management and marketing. He was a founding partner of BF&W Advertising in 1969, and its CEO until his early retirement in 2001, helping to build it into one of the leading ad agencies in Silicon Valley. Curt was also mayor and a council member for the City of Morgan Hill (California) in the late 80s. He has held leadership positions with numerous nonprofit organizations, spanning more than 45 years of civic involvement, and has received many honors for his community service, including Morgan Hill “Citizen of the Year” (2000), and Celebrate Corvallis “Senior First Citizen” (2010). In addition to his past involvement with Leadership Corvallis, Curt is currently chair of the City of Corvallis Budget Commission, a citizen member of the Benton County Budget Committee, a citizen representative on the Corvallis/Benton County Economic Vitality Partnership, a member of the marketing task force for Heartland Humane Society, and a member of the marketing advisory group for the Corvallis Repertory Singers.